2021: Beyond the Horizon

The festival saw a mixture of filmed and live events. The centerpiece was a feature length film of O’Neill’s Beyond the Horizon. The play was also performed live in a progressive, site-specific presentation on the Tao House grounds. The lively performance lecture “Eugene O’Neill: 51 Plays in 51 Minutes” debuted.

BTH Film

BTH Live

51 Plays

2020: The Lost Plays in a Lost Year

The Pandemic redirected our festival efforts to a focus on producing videotaped recordings of three of early “lost” plays. The plays offered a glimpse into the beginnings of Eugene O’Neill’s quest to become a great dramatist.


Abortion by Eugene O’Neill Directed by Eric Fraisher Hayes Videotaped at the Old Barn, Tao House, August 2020. Premiered October 2020


Recklessness by Eugene O’Neill Directed by Eric Fraisher Hayes Videotaped at the Old Barn, Tao House, August 2020. Premiered October 2020

The Web

The Web by Eugene O’Neill Directed by Eric Fraisher Hayes Videotaped at the Old Barn, Tao House, August 2020. Premiered October 2020

2019: Haunted Poets

Eugene O’Neill Festival offered the soul-stirring artistic confessions of two of our greatest haunted poets: Eugene O’Neill and Tennessee Williams. These plays were powerful and poetic demonstrations of how, for these playwrights, the ghosts of the past continued to haunt the imagination. The festival production of Long Day’s Journey Into Night played multiple nights at the Eugene O’Neill International Festival of Theatre in New Ross, Ireland.

The Second Girl

By Ronan Noone, Directed by Eric Fraisher Hayes

The Glass Menagerie

By Tennessee Williams, Directed by Chloe Bronzan

Long Day’s Journey Into Night

By Eugene O’Neill, Directed by Eric Fraisher Hayes

2018: Passing the Torch

Eugene O’Neill’s last theatrical hurrah during his lifetime and Arthur Miller’s first great success occurred in the same theatre season. The Eugene O’Neill Festival explored O’Neill’s connections to the generation of playwrights that followed in his wake. The festival production of Hughie traveled to Ireland where it was featured at the Eugene O’Neill International Festival of Theatre as well as engagements in Carlow and Waterford.

All My Sons

By Arthur Miller, Directed by Patrick Russell


By Eugene O’Neill, Directed by Eric Fraisher Hayes

2017: Telling Tales

Celebrating the great tradition of Irish storytelling with powerful and poetic productions that reflect the resilience of the Irish people.

A Touch of the Poet

By Eugene O’Neill, Directed by Eric Fraisher Hayes, Produced at Tao House, Danville, CA.

The Playboy of the Western World

by John Millington Synge, Directed by Edward Nattenberg, Produced at Village Theatre, Danville CA.